Eligibility for a package is based on your needs which is determined through an Aged Care Assessment (ACAT assessment) The Criteria for assessment and the level of support you are entitled to is broad, and will be determined face to face. You must however meet the following criteria
Apply for an initial assessment through My Aged Care.
You can do this online, on your own or with support, through the My Aged Care website or by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
The Regal Care Coordinators can also help you apply for an assessment, contact us and we can assist you every step of the way.
Have your assessment at home.
Once you have applied your Local ACAT assessor will call you and arrange a time and date for a face to face assessment in your home. Regal highly recommend having a support person with you at the assessment. They will talk to you about your day to day life, how you are managing and the things you are finding difficult. They will explain to you what sort of support you might eligible for.
Your package is approved.
After your assessment the ACAT assessor will make recommendations on your behalf, you will then receive a letter saying you have been approved a Home Care Package and what level you have been approved. You will then be placed on the National Queue and will be notified when there is a package available to you.
Your Package is ready.
You will receive a letter saying you have been assigned your package Home Care Package. This letter will have a unique referral code on it. You will then decide which provider you would like to manage your Home Care Package and give them the unique code. Soon as that code is activated and you have entered into an agreement with a provider your services will be planned and support will be delivered.
Regal are here to help you throughout your My Aged Care journey, our dedicated Care Coordinators can assist you at each step. Please contact us to find out more.